Some Client Results & Love Letters

Love Letters From Clients

Tammy goes From hiding to launching

Tammy Nichols, Mindset Mentor


Giovanna finds her true abundant self & sets free

Giovanna Valente


Ryan Opens A Flow of Happiness

When I started Access Your Abundance (AYA) it was because I knew something needed to change. I was stuck in a dead end job and felt I was headed for divorce. I was looking for direction in my marriage and my career. I wanted the universe to point me down my path and *know* it was the right thing, to feel confident in making decisions about where to go next in my life. 

I really wanted to spend less time in toxic loop thinking and have a consistent meditation and yoga and tapping practice. I wanted to feel fully connected to the divine!

Initially, I struggled with feeling ok to spend the money to do the AYA program. I also work super early and rarely get time alone to meditate/yoga/tap/journal etc. I have twins and a house to manage and hopefully soon a business to manage. My to-do list seems never ending. But ultimately I decided that *I* was worth the investment. I wasn’t wrong. This group has been beyond words amazing!!! 

I feel f***ing Fantastic!! I feel like me. The me I was always meant to be but for various reasons didn't feel like I could or should be. I feel ready to tackle whatever the universe brings to me. I feel so so so grateful for this life, this course, this shedding of old.

I’m more joyful, more grateful, more observant, than I have ever felt, and while the Universe didn’t point to that one big sign "THIS WAY TO LOVE AND CAREER", those feelings are worth more to me than a lightning bolt of direction, because now I trust that the little yeses will lead to a big yes. Time and creativity and unknown potential and love and money are all on my side!

If you’re thinking about doing AYA...*YOU* are worth the investment AND *YOU*, the real you that's hiding under the fear and the pain, be eager to get started! The support and love I felt made the biggest impact. I've gotten so much out of this course and look forward to stepping into my future with trust and curiosity.

-Ryan Howard


Cindy discovers the life saving magic of boundaries

I signed up for the Focus & Follow Through Solution (FFTS) to get myself centred and focused on building my business, something I’ve been talking about doing for 3 years.

Through Lindsay’s guidance and her FFTS program, I learned to focus on small steps. To define the dream and then break down the emotional barriers that were preventing me from getting to that dream.

This is the difference. This wasn’t steps to start my business. This was steps to see what motivates me and in what direction that motivation takes me. Whether my focus was to start my business or focus on my health, I needed to look at what triggers me into action and what triggers me into inaction.

Before FFTS, I thought I just needed to focus on how to start my business. Where to begin, website? Business cards? Content for website? During FFTS, I realized the work was me.

I needed to honour myself, my boundaries, and my feelings. If I don’t take care of myself first there is no business to focus on. FFTS has a lot of practical applications but I found the most beneficial aspect of the program is realizing the emotional connection to everything.

I have gained tools to help me take steps to grow my business but I have also learned so much about myself. I realize now that I don’t need things to be perfect before I begin something. I just have to begin and allow myself to learn and grow. My fears are thought patterns that can be broken. I learned to honour myself, my boundaries, and my feelings because I matter.

If you have a goal or dream and don’t quite know what path to take next, consider FFTS. It really is more than just practical tools. I am more confident in who I am and so grateful I made the decision to sign up for this program.  

Cindy Chan, Energy Healer


"When I first began working with Lindsay, I lacked confidence in myself and in my business ideas. At that point, I was really looking for someone who could help me clarify my goals, create a plan of action and get started. 

Because I’d been running around in circles on my own, I worried that I was not in the right stage in my business to work with a coach. What if they were also confused with my ideas and vision? 

Thankfully, Lindsay was extremely kind and open throughout the entire process which helped me gain a lot of confidence in speaking what I envisioned.

From our very first session, I could feel a shift occurring. Now, I have the confidence to pursue my dreams and make my dream business a reality. 

Thanks to Lindsay, I have started putting myself out there, meeting new people, and sharing my work. I now focus on what’s most important to bring my vision to life.

Had it not been for Lindsay’s help, I’d still be chasing my tail and would still be fearful of beginning! Her coaching has opened up a gateway to my own power."

Dronile Hiraldo, Creative Services & Social Media


I loved my coaching with Lindsay. She instantly put me at ease, holding a safe space that really met me were I was at.  She came to the comfort of my home and used powerful techniques that engaged my visual, auditory and kinesthetic systems in the process.

She guided me in creating a physical timeline representation that allowed me to clarify the key elements involved in my most successful and rewarding professional ventures and identify what to focus on to continue to expand that success moving forward. 

Of all my years of coaching I have never experienced a session quite as powerful and effective as I did working with Lindsay. One of the results I produced came from clarifying how important collaboration is in my work and I went on the following year to work with a committed team of 6 to co-create a series of 8 Sold Out Shows that is still running

Lindsay has a gentle, non-intrusive, intuitive approach, combined with confidence, steady guidance and skilled competency that met me where I was at and left me feeling empowered, known, clear, and with new possibilities for moving forward powerfully with a renewed sense of my own resources, competency, confidence and passion

I loved my experience and the results and look forward to a chance to work with her again. Highly recommend for any professional or personal environment that wants to take their success to the next level.

Theda Phoenix, Singer, Recording Artist, Sound Healer


Being a solopreneur usually means you create, brainstorm, strategize and evaluate progress on your own which can be a daunting and draining process.

Now having Lindsay makes me feel like I have a partner to give me the honest expert feedback about how I market my business and communicate with my ideal clients. 

Strategizing together is an efficient process where lots of ideas are generated and she is able to pull the focus back to what would work the best for the time and resources I have.  This means I have a clear focus and a to do list that makes sense and will give me the best results. 

I really appreciate all the work we have done together to push me into the next stage of my business growth and am so happy she's part of my success team!"

Diane Rolston, Certified Business and Life Coach

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